
DEF CON 22 - Cesar Cerrudo - Hacking US (and UK, Australia, France, etc.) traffic control systems

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Slides here: https://defcon.org/images/defcon-22/dc-22-presentations/Cerrudo/DEFCON-22-Cesar-Cerrudo-Hacking-Traffic-Control-Systems-UPDATED.pdf

Hacking US (and UK, Australia, France, etc.) traffic control systems
Probably many of us have seen that scene from "Live Free or Die Hard" (Die Hard 4) were the "terrorist hackers" manipulate traffic signals by just hitting Enter key or typing a few keys, I wanted to do that! so I started to look around and of course I couldn't get to do the same, that's too Hollywood style! but I got pretty close. I found some interesting devices used by traffic control systems on important cities such as Washington DC, Seattle, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc. and I could hack them :) I also found that these devices are also used in cities from UK, France, Australia, China, etc. making them even more interesting. This presentation will tell the whole story from how the devices were acquired, the research, on site testing demos (at Seattle, New York and Washington DC), vulnerabilities found and how they can be exploited, and finally some possible NSA style attacks (or should I say cyberwar style attacks?) Oh, I almost forgot, after this presentation anyone will be able to hack these devices and mess traffic control systems since there is no patch available (sorry didn't want to say 0day ;)) I hope that after this I still be allowed to enter (or leave?) the US

Cesar Cerrudo is CTO at IOActive Labs where he leads the team in producing ongoing cutting edge research in the areas of SCADA, mobile device, application security and more. Formerly the founder and CEO of Argeniss Consulting, acquired by IOActive, Cesar is a world renown security researcher and specialist in application security.

Throughout his career, Cesar is credited with discovering and helping to eliminate dozens of vulnerabilities in leading applications including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle database server, IBM DB2, Microsoft BizTalk Server, Microsoft Commerce Server, Microsoft Windows, Yahoo! Messenger, etc. In addition, Cesar has authored several white papers on database, application security, attacks and exploitation techniques and he has been invited to present at a variety of companies and conferences including Microsoft, Black Hat, Bellua, CanSecWest, EuSecWest, WebSec, HITB, Microsoft BlueHat, EkoParty, FRHACK, H2HC, Defcon, Infiltrate, etc. Cesar collaborates with and is regularly quoted in print and online publications including eWeek, ComputerWorld, and other leading journals.

Twitter: @cesarcer

DEF CON 22 - Cesar Cerrudo - Hacking US (and UK, Australia, France, etc.) traffic control systems

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