
Turning The Tide On Climate Change | Daniel Power | TEDxSevilleSq

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Dan Power, one of the founders of the Climate Institute, tells an engaging story about friends who met in Washington during Vietnam and resolved to do something important after the ridiculous war. They reasoned that human induced changes in the chemistry of the atmosphere might pose a huge problem for all mankind. They organized to alert the world. He ends by telling how he answers interns who wish they had lived when he lived. 30 years in the energy and environment fields, with 12 years developing technologies for companies in the ocean energy industry. Founder of the tidal energy collection technologies at the core of the Oceana patents. Principal technology investigator under the company’s Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center. Mr. Power previously served as a senior U.S. Air Force engineering officer, where he was responsible for managing military construction programs with costs totaling $180M each year. He successfully managed the Air Force’s pilot Energy Conservation Investment Program that ultimately resulted in cost savings of $6.3 billion. Mr. Power was a founder of the Climate Institute in 1986 with the goal of alerting the planet to a warming that we very much hoped would not occur. In the mid-1980s , Mr. Power led the Climate Institute’s Cities Initiative in an effort to stimulate interest among policymakers at the national level. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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