
Quantum Computing Is Here, Powered by Open Source

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Konstantinos Karagiannis, Chief Technology Officer, BT

Quantum computing is no longer a thought experiment—we’ve passed the 50-qubit barrier. As we build toward instant cracking of PK, ECC and other encryption, open source software by D-Wave and IBM is already being used to program these amazing machines. Find out how you can get involved with ProjectQ, Qbsolv and other tools as FOSS gets in on the ground floor of the next breed of supercomputer.

Learning Objectives:
1: Learn about the current state of quantum computing.
2: Obtain free quantum programming tools you can use today.
3: Understand what the next three years will bring in the exploding field.


RSAC 2021 Keynote: The Cryptographers' Panel

Building Your Quantum-safe Future with Crypto-agility

Quantum Computing: One Weird Trick to Break RSA Encryption

Achieving Quantum Readiness: A Comprehensive Approach

Cryptographers' Panel

Public Key Cryptography

The Future of Cybersecurity in the Age of Exponential Change

Panel: Migrating to Post-Quantum Schemes

The Cryptographer's Panel

The Cryptographers’ Panel

Crypto Basics: History, Applied Cryptography in IT Sec Today and within the Next Year

Preparing for Quantum: A Pragmatic Approach towards Readiness

Cyber Is Hot; Crypto Is Not

The Cryptographers’ Panel 2018

NIST Cybersecurity Framework v2.0: What’s changing?

The Cryptographers’ Panel

Cryptographic Agility: Anticipating, Preparing for and Executing Change

Why Johnny STILL Can’t Encrypt

Applied MPC

Key Agreement


The Cryptographers' Panel - Ari Juels - RSA Conference US 2013 Keynote

Wells Fargo PQC Program: The Five Ws

AI/Machine Learning: What is Actually Working in Cybersecurity?

Quantum Computing Is Here, Powered by Open Source

Key Management and Protection: Evaluation of Hardware, Tokens, TEEs and MPC

Signatures 1

Key Management 101: DEKs, KEKs, and Credentials Living Together, Oh My!

Fault Attacks & Side Channels

Secrets of the Encrypted Internet—Worldwide Cryptographic Statistics

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