
LeSS 101: an introduction to agile scaling framework, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) #agileCoachingToolbox

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Looking to scale agile in your organization with a heavy focus on scrum?
Join me in this video as I introduce you to agile scaling framework Large Scale Scrum (LeSS).
LeSS is important especially as it encourages:
- whole product instead of “my part.” Take holistic approach, Systems approach and optimize the whole. Local optimization alone would not help!
- Global and “end-to-end” product

==Abbreviations used
PBR = Product Backlog Refinement
mPBR = Master PBR
PO = Product Owner
aPO = Area Product Owner
tRT = Team (Sprint) Retrospective
tRV = Team (Sprint) Review
oRT = Overall Retrospective
oRV = Overall Review
SP1 = Sprint Planning 1
SP2 = Sprint Planning 2
FT = Feature Team
CT = Component Team

===One simple disclaimer..
I am using several abbreviations in this video that are not official terms used by LeSS framework

I am using these new abbreviations to make it easy for you to understand and visualize the concepts.

We also have limited space for the whiteboard to fit in all my awesome illustrations! And abbreviations help us conserve that valuable space

Once again, this is not official explanation of LeSS framework. This is just a quick fly by.
For exact details, visit their website less.works

==Useful links:


Area Product Owner

Alphabet Soup

Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS

Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum

==Certification workshops to consider

Advanced CSM (A-CSM)

==Other Videos:
When is a Story Done?

Agile Coaching Toolbox

Coaching Agile Teams - Backlog Refinement / Part 1: An Overview

==Follow Me:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/beyondCSM​​
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/soninimesh/​​
Discord: https://discord.gg/DVguVCPM​
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soni_nimesh...​
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/agileYoda​

==About Nimesh:
Nimesh is a Coach, Mentor, Trainer, Author, and an Enterprise Transformation Consultant mentoring organizations in transition to value-driven approaches.

He has been a key architect of transformation at various organizations including several of the Fortune 500 companies.

Taking pragmatic approach towards transformation at organizations, he often mixes his agile expertise with a common sense approach while making it visual with illustrations and drawing so that it creates lasting impact.

Nimesh is an ICAgile authorized instructor and also a Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC/CSC) from Scrum Alliance. Nimesh also teaches ICAgile Team Facilitation (ICP-ATF), ICAgile Coaching Certification (ICP-ACC), ICAgile Business Agility foundations (ICP-BAF), and Advanced Scrum Master (A-CSM) certification workshops.


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LeSS 101: an introduction to agile scaling framework, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) #agileCoachingToolbox

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