
Disease Prevention and Longevity: What Is The Ideal and Optimal Fat Intake? | Dr. Joel Fuhrman

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Discover the truth about fats and how to optimize your diet for longevity and disease prevention. In this podcast, Dr. Fuhrman debunks common myths about dietary fats and shares the science behind the powerful health benefits of nuts and seeds. Learn how a nutritarian approach to eating can help you reverse chronic diseases, achieve sustainable weight loss, and maximize your lifespan.

00:00 - Introduction
00:35 - Essential Fats and Bad Fats
04:59 - Heart Disease and Cancer Risks Linked to Animal Fats and Oils
06:02 - Nutritarian vs. Other Diets
09:04 - The Impact of Very Low-Fat Diets
11:22 - Finding Optimal Omega-3 Index
14:50 - Recommended Macronutrient Ratios
17:33 - Saturated Fats and Other Oils
20:36 - Maintaining a Healthy Weight
25:25 - Tips for Including Nuts and Seeds in Your Diet
30:05 - Obsessive Measuring and Dieting
34:26 - Cautions on Cherimoya and Starfruit
36:54 - Can You Reverse Diseases?
40:48 - Member Question 1: Osteopenia and Exercise
42:50 - Member Question 2: Benefits of Mushrooms
44:40 - Member Question 3:Preparing for Surgery
48:04 - Conclusion

What To Watch Next

Is Calorie Restriction Something You Need to Worry About in a Nutritarian Diet? |Eat to Live Podcast


Why Do You Need the Omega-3 Fatty Acids: DHA and EPA?

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