
FromXPtoLinux(13) Compiz pt2

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We pick up from where we left of in the previous video talking about Compiz.

We first make note of the warning that changing values in the CompizConfig Settings Manager could make our desktop unusable and remind you to make sure you have a backup of any important files.

We make a note of what features that are activated in each category, in case we need to set the features back to the Linux Mint Mate settings.

We turn on the Cube Reflection and Deformation feature in the Effects category and when we hold CNTL+ALT and use our mouse, we see our cube has changed to a cylinder and has pictures on the top and bottom – that we can change to a custom .png or .svg file. Holding CNTL+ALT and using the right or left arrow keys still use the default cube.

We also change the Deformation to a sphere and uncheck the deform caps to make the top and bottom pictures flat.

We turn on the Wobbly Windows

We add an animation that will work when we open the LibreOffice Calc, and look at ways we can change that effect.

We discuss what happened to the fire/burn effect, that that would make windows burn up. That effect does not work with the OpenGL, so it is not included in the effects anymore.

FromXPtoLinux(13) Compiz pt2

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