
Blaise Pascal, Pensées | The Philosophers' God and the God of Faith | Philosophy Core Concepts

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This is a video in my new Core Concepts series -- designed to provide students and lifelong learners a brief discussion focused on one main concept from a classic philosophical text and thinker.

This Core Concept video focuses on Blaise Pascal's unfinished work, the Pensées, specifically on his distinction between two different conceptions of God - God as understood by the philosophers, and the God of religious believers, the "God of faith".

If you'd like to support my work producing videos like this, become a Patreon supporter! Here's the link to find out more - including the rewards I offer backers: https://www.patreon.com/sadler

You can also make a direct contribution to help fund my ongoing educational projects, by clicking here: https://www.paypal.me/ReasonIO

If you're interested in philosophy tutorial sessions with me - especially on Pascal's thought and works - click here: https://reasonio.wordpress.com/tutorials/

You can find the copy of the text I am using for this sequence on Pascal's Pensées here - https://amzn.to/2NnuEAx

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