
Karl Friston: The "Meta" Free Energy Principle

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Karl Friston is a British neuroscientist at University College London and an authority on the free energy principle and predictive coding theory.

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Iain McGilchrist's interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-SgOwc6Pe4
Donald Hoffman's interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmieNQH7Q4w
Anil Seth's interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hUEqXhDbVs
Stuart Hameroff's interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLo0Zwe579g

Machine Learning Street Talk's interview with Karl Friston: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkR24ieh5Ow

00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:45 Balancing work and life with an h-index of 200+
00:04:33 Daily routine
00:05:55 How to choose which problems to work on?
00:10:13 Defining "deflationary" and "self-evidencing"
00:14:33 Equilibrium vs non-equilibrium steady state
00:20:52 Why is it called the Free Energy Principle?
00:27:20 What is the Free Energy Principle? (two answers)
00:41:15 Is causation and time required for the FEP?
00:46:03 FEP incomplete because it doesn't incorporate relativity?
00:57:21 Schrödinger, entropy, gradient flow, and life
00:59:01 Why is the Free Energy Principle infamous for being esoteric?
01:01:00 Is FEP a TOE? A theory of everything?
01:03:20 Do atoms have "beliefs" in a Bayesian sense?
01:04:54 List of different fields FEP has implications for (physics, biology, AI, etc.)
01:17:47 On Occam's Razor and Artificial Intelligence
01:25:38 Newcomb's paradox
01:29:05 FEP - a Law of Nature or a different way of compressing?
01:36:50 Jordan Peterson's "order and chaos" and the FEP
01:50:51 Using brain structure to infer about the world
02:07:12 On hierarchies and modelling different "things" (tools don't behave like apples)
02:13:59 The importance of "shared narratives"
02:18:37 Religion as aiding "shared narratives"
02:22:43 Politics needs 50 / 50 splits on issues
02:25:53 The existence of free will and definition of it
02:28:43 Self fulfilling prophecies
02:31:37 Schizophrenia, Curt, and Karl
02:45:48 "You are your own existence proof."
02:48:03 Can you think yourself into non-existence?
02:51:33 Definition of generative model
02:54:06 Donald Hoffman's consciousness model
02:54:34 Quantum consciousness and Penrose's Orchestrated OR
02:59:41 What does FEP say about consciousness?
03:09:48 The meta-Hard Problem of Consciousness
03:15:22 Anna Lukomsky: Idealism vs Physicalism
03:28:13 Joanne Dong: Explain the meaning of life via the FEP
03:34:23 Monotheism vs Polytheism in terms of FEP and psychology
03:38:50 Faraz Honarvar: Do our actions matter to the world?
03:47:20 Final words on Schizophrenia and existential anxiety from studying different metaphysics

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Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.

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I just finished (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.

Karl Friston on The Concept of Surprises Based On Free Energy Principle

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Karl Friston: The "Meta" Free Energy Principle

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Karl Friston & Curt Jaimungal & The Free Energy Principle - Theory of Every0ne Live - 3.29.22

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Legion Podcast #70: Science with Sergio | The Free-Energy Principle - A Unified Brain Theory

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Episode #5 —Karl Friston, Neuroscientist, University College London

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