
Should You Pay for Sports Betting Picks (feat. Kurt Long)

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Source: https://www.wsn.com/betting-guide/paying-picks

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Video Transcript:

You don’t have to spend much time researching sports betting online before you’ll run into someone promising to give you 100%, guaranteed, always win, never lose sports picks, for a price.

Pay picks are a huge industry but is it really worth spending part of your betting bankroll to be told which bets to make?
In this video we explain the pros and cons of paying for sports picks and whether we recommend it to our readers. Spoiler alert:

We don’t.


We want to put a big warning sign on this topic right from the start.

Buying sports picks from most of the so-called “professional handicapping” services out there won’t help you become a long-term winner.

Most of them are mediocre and some are straight up scams.

The truth is, if any of these people could beat the sportsbooks, they wouldn’t be selling tips, they’d be betting everything they can get their hands on and getting rich fast.

The fact that they’re trying to squeeze you for a few bucks in exchange for their “guaranteed” picks tells you a lot.

That said, there are ways to get guidance from more experience sports bettors which can be a great way for beginners to learn, or for losing sports bettors to try to get back in the black.


People who sell picks are called “cappers”, short for handicappers, and the idea is pretty simple.

The cappers do all the research and legwork to generate winning picks, usually with some kind of secret system, and you buy the picks for cheap.

Just spend a few bucks and you can use their insider knowledge and skill to crush the sportsbooks.

Sounds easy right?

The truth is, there isn’t a person on the planet who can guarantee you a profit betting sports.

So, now that we all accept the truth, that the guy yelling at you on Youtube doesn’t have the holy grail of sports betting knowledge, let’s talk about ways you can actually use other people’s picks to make better bets.


One common reason people pay for picks is that they don’t have the time to do the research themselves.

Or maybe you’ve tried to come up with your own plays but so far they haven’t been working out and you’re losing money.

Finding someone more experienced and following them is a great solution in both those examples, but it doesn’t mean you have to pay for picks in order to do it.

There are tons of free online resources that give you access to more experienced sports gamblers and the kinds of bets they’re making.

You can follow other people’s betting strategies and develop your own knowledge and skills at the same time, and you don’t have to pay for any of it. That means you can spend your money on actually making bets.

And that brings us to the biggest reason most of us shouldn’t spend money on picks.

A typical recreational sports bettors might only be betting $100 a week which means anything they spend on picks is going to eat into their profits and make it a lot harder to become a long term winner.

Follow our advice and do a few easy searches online. There’s lots of really valuable content available for free.

One great place to start is the sports betting forum on Reddit. There are almost 75,000 members discussing all kinds of sportsbetting strategy.

You can also browse the comprehensive strategy guides right here on WSN.com and we won’t charge you a cent.

Thanks for watching and good luck.

Find out more about Kurt Long here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1273767/

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