
Retirement, Roads and Market-Based Rates: Life Under the Hammer & Hastert

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Presented on April 1, 2005

Peter DeFazio, congressman, D-Oregon

"On Friday, April 1, City Club welcomes U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio to discuss his legislative priorities and challenges as Congress faces record deficits, growing federal debt, and an increasingly partisan legislative environment. On his agenda are:
The future of Social Security: DeFazio will address the financial challenges of Social Security, his plan to strengthen the popular program and what he sees as the 'pitfalls of privatization.""
Rebuilding roads and bridges: As ranking member of the House Surface Transportation Subcommittee, DeFazio says he will have a unique opportunity to direct millions of federal dollars in road and bridge construction to Oregon vital resources for a state struggling with a $4 billion backlog of bridge repair and road construction.
Affordable Northwest hydropower: As co-chair of the bipartisan Northwest Energy Caucus, DeFazio will discuss his efforts to ""combat continued attempts"" by President Bush ""to gouge Oregonians and dismantle affordable, efficient hydropower in the Northwest."" "

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