
Compiz on Gnome Shell

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#osside #compiz #archlinux
Howto install: https://www.osside.net/2020/07/compiz-per-gnome-shell-in-un-clic/
Compiz on Gnome Shell on Arch Linux (wobbly windows) in 2020!!
Compiz windows effect and Compiz alike windows effect (simplified version) are addons for Gnome Shell which allows you to enable the classic wobbly windows effect.

I tested them both with Arch Linux / Gnome 3.36. In the first addon the effect is more pronounced and I prefer it.

As an alternative to those that use js engine, you can use this patched version of libanimation. Available for Ubuntu/Debian/Mint and all Gnome distributions

Track: Dawns - Alone
Link: https://youtu.be/-Eglq-WFHgA
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