
What Does the Bible Say about Predestination?

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The topic of predestination most often comes up among Christians when discussing salvation because within Christianity there are basically two camps — those who believe that only people who are predestined for salvation will be saved, and those who believe that the gift of salvation can be accepted by anyone. The predestination camp has come to be known as Calvinism, named after the famous French theologian, John Calvin, who often wrote and taught on the subject. And the free will camp has come to be known as Arminianism, named after the Dutch theologian, Jacob Arminius, who lived and taught in the years immediately following Calvin, and who rejected predestination and promoted free will. The body of believers is already divided enough on this topic, so it is not my intent to deepen the divide or to add fuel to any fires that might be simmering out there. But I think that it’s an important topic for us to understand because it involves our salvation.

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What The Bible Says About Predestination

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What Does the Bible Say about Predestination?

John MacArthur on Predestination (2010 Shepherd's Conference)

Arminian and Calvinism Theology

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