
💯解馋小糖饼,松软多层,凉了也不会硬|You'll love it in one bite! Easy recipe No yeast No baking

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一口你就会爱上它!这样烙出的小糖饼松软多层,凉了也不会硬|You'll love it in one bite! No yeast! No baking

The Dough 面团
300g (2cups) All purpose flour 中筋面粉
210g (0.88cup) Hot water (around 150°f) 210克热水 (66°c左右)

Filling 1
2 tbsp All purpose flour 中筋面粉
A pinch of salt 盐
2 tbsp Hot cooking oil 热油
Filling 2
2 tbsp Sugar 糖
1 tbsp All purpose flour 中筋面粉
3 tsp Cooked sesame 熟芝麻

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