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life & liberty is a modern prophetic song which raises the question 'should we really expect God to continue to bless a nation that has gone astray?
In the bible in numbers 35:33 God says that the shedding of innocent blood defiles the land and in proverbs 6:17 He says the shedding of innocent blood is "detestable". In the first chapter of Jeremiah He says before I formed you in the womb I knew you.

When we as a nation allow babes in the womb to be brutally assaulted with lethal force in a place that should be their 'safe space', we should not be surprised that God is not pleased with us.
If innocent Abel's blood cried out to God for justice, I wonder what the blood of 60 million innocent children sounds like to Him?

With all the advances in the science of embryology, the numerous videos and ultrasound technology it can no longer be intellectually honest to deny the humanity of the unborn child.

Abortion is an uncomfortable truth. But we can now see in our minds eye, we can see the babe in the womb struggling helplessly for their lives as they are being torn from the womb.

We can no longer say "'we didn't know"

Doing nothing is no longer an option

God is patient and slow to anger, but I fear He lifting His hand of protection from us. We probably will not perish from what God does but rather from what He doesn't do.............but there is hope....He also says that if my people who are called by my name will confess their sins and repent of them, I will forgive their inequities and I will heal their land.
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