
Expedition 32/33 Launches to the International Space Station

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Expedition 32/33 Soyuz Commander Yuri Malenchenko, NASA Flight Engineer Suni Williams and Flight Engineer Aki Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency launched on the Russian Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft on July 15 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan to begin a two-day journey to the International Space Station. The trio will dock to the station July 17 to start a four month tour, joining station Commander Gennady Padalka, NASA Flight Engineer Joe Acaba and Russian Flight Engineer Sergei Revin, who have been on the outpost since mid-May. The launch took place on the 37th anniversary of the launching of the historic Apollo-Soyuz mission in 1975 that resulted in the first docking of U.S. and Russian spacecraft and marked the start of the partnership that spawned the International Space Station.

Expedition 32/33 Launches to the International Space Station

Expedition 32 Soyuz TMA-05M Spacecraft Joins Its Booster Rocket

Soyuz TMA-05M Rocket is Blessed; Expedition 32/33 Crew Meets with Officials

Expedition 32 Crew Shows "Up" at Station

Soyuz TMA-05M Spacecraft Mating

Launch of Soyuz TMA-05M Expedition 32, to the ISS

Expedition 32-33 Soyuz - TMA-05M Pre-launch Activities

Expedition 32 Arrives at the Space Station | NASA ISS Soyuz TMA-05M Video

The Expedition 32/33 Soyuz Rocket Moves to Its Launch Pad

Expedition 32/33 Crew Members Discuss Next Mission

Part 1 Expedition 32/33 Soyuz TMA-05M Docking

Soyuz TMA-05M Launch of Expedition 32

Part 1 Expedition 32/33 Soyuz TMA-05M Hatch Opening and Welcoming Ceremony

Blast-Off! Expedition 32 Crew Heads To Space Station | Video

Hatches Open, Expedition 32 Enters the Space Station | NASA ISS Soyuz TMA-05M Video

Part 2 Expedition 32/33 Soyuz TMA-05M Docking

Expedition 32 Trio Launches to the Space Station | NASA ISS Soyuz TMA-05M Video

Expedition 32/33 Launches to the International Space Station

New Expedition 32 Trio Arrives at Station

Expedition 32/33 Crew Prepares for Launch in Kazakhstan

Soyuz Launches to Space Station

Expedition 32 Soyuz TMA 04M Undocking from ISS

ISS Expedition 32 : Soyuz-FG launch with Soyuz TMA-05M

The Expedition 32⧸33 Soyuz Rocket Moves to Its Launch Pad

Part 1 Expedition 32/33 Soyuz TMA-05M Rollout to the Launch Pad in Baikonur Kazakhstan

Expedition 32/33 Soyuz TMA 05M Post Docking News Conference - The Best Documentary Ever

Part 2 Expedition 32/33 Soyuz TMA-05M Rollout to the Launch Pad in Baikonur Kazakhstan

Soyuz TMA-05M Spacecraft Assembly at Baikonur | NASA ISS Space Station Launch Video

Expedition 32/33 Crew Departs for Kazakh Launch Site

Expedition 33 34 Soyuz TMA 06M Docking

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