
Socialism won’t solve US’s health care problem: Kennedy

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FBN’s Kennedy on how Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defended the cost of Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) “Medicare for All” plan by citing funeral expenses.

White House slams socialism in new 72-page report

Tax reform has turned both houses of Congress against each other: Kennedy

Nancy Pelosi is an elitist statist: Kennedy

Sean Spicer on his new White House memoir ‘The Briefing’

FBN’s Kennedy on Washington’s spending problem

Kennedy responds to criticisms over her Nancy Pelosi impression

White House controversies are ‘weapons of mass distraction,’ says Rep. Massie

US is headed toward horrible immigration policy: Kennedy

Socialism won’t solve US’s health care problem: Kennedy

Pelosi is the embodiment of everything that’s wrong with Washington: Kennedy

Democrats need a positive, practical message to take back power: Kennedy

GOP lawmakers are looking for evenly metered justice: Kennedy

Democrats have a fantastic shot at winning back the House: Kennedy

Paul Ryan won’t be missed by the swamp: Kennedy

Trump’s economic success will help him with voters: Kennedy

Democrats trying to copy Trump, but it won’t work: Kennedy

Kennedy: Heavy handedness and entitlement goody bags are no way to solve our immigration crisis

Kamala Harris’ candidacy will go down in flames if opponents dig into her past: Kennedy

White House slams CBO report on Senate health care bill

Trump should adopt a more focused and libertarian agenda: Kennedy

ObamaCare was designed to be ‘too-big-to-fail’: Kennedy

Can Democrats take back the House?

Kennedy on William Barr’s upcoming testimony

Peter Strzok’s testimony should be viewed by the public: Kennedy

CIA nominee Gina Haspel will probably be confirmed: Kennedy

Democrats are confident they can take on Trump in 2020: Kennedy

Trump should hammer out a better vetting system: Kennedy

I hope Trump’s view on the wall is evolving: Kennedy

Trump’s State of the Union address was well received: Kennedy

Did Rep. Wilson hurt her own reputation?

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