
5 Things Women Do That Guys HATE | Adam LoDolce

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Is your guy starting to pull away? Maybe you are pissing him off and pushing him away with one of these 5 things he is sure to hate...

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On the outside he might seem calm and collected.

But on the inside he’s a ticking time bomb.

You may even think everything is going smoothly…

… until he ends it.

And it’s all because you might be doing one or more of these five things.

If you’re constantly noticing guys you date slowly pull away…

Or worse, getting agitated to the point where he explodes and ends the relationship abruptly.

You’re could be making one or more of these avoidable mistakes.

The good news is you can bypass these nightmare scenarios completely, by watching my latest video.

Your Coach,

P.S. – With my Emotional Attraction Formula you never have to worry about a man pulling away ever again. You can check out the full details here: https://emotionalattractionformula.com/

Summary -

1. Purposely flirting with other guys to make us jealous.

We can tell when you're having a light-hearted conversation and when you're flirting to get at us. This is not a good way to communicate... especially if you're having relationship issue. Be a straight shooter and don't play games, because it will bite you in the ass later.

2. Not offering to pay for anything after dating for a few months.

Do you think men are made of money? Most good guys want to pay, but it's also the 21st Century and men and women are equals. It's important for you to at least offer to pay every once in awhile. You could pay for a dessert or a drink after dinner. It shows the type of reasonable person you are.

3. Constantly talking about women you don't like.

If you don't like someone, then stop talking about that person. Talking repeatedly about how much you dislike someone and their actions is one of the most toxic behaviors you can engage in.

You are responsible for deciding who is allowed in your life. If you don't like someone then remove him/her. Life is short, so why have someone in your life if their company isn’t enjoyable.

4. Comparing your relationship to the relationships of others.

Let me tell you something about Facebook… everyone looks happy in their relationship online. That's what they want you to think. They want to feel better about themselves knowing their façade made you feel bad about yourself. But here's the thing: every relationship is messy in its own way and NO relationship is perfect.

So go out, enjoy your life and stop living in envy. Show gratitude for what you have and appreciate the partner you are with.

5. Dropping overt passive aggressive hints.

We get it, you want something from us… maybe a vacation, a night out, or the dishes cleaned… but instead of telling us directly and in a kind way, you drop an obvious hint.

Him: “Hey babe, why do you keep drawing circles on this map?”
Her: "Because you never take me on vacation anymore."

This is a poor excuse for communication and is the definition of passive aggression. You can be both direct and caring with your words as you tell him what you need and why. It is imperative for your relationship to include both of you… both of your needs, and both of your wants.

[Like this episode? Make sure you check out: https://emotionalattractionformula.com/]

5 Things Women Do That Guys HATE | Adam LoDolce


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