
5 Healthy Habits to Boost Your Physical and Mental Wellbeing || UIUC MHC

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Five healthy habits to ensure that you are focusing on your mental and physical health. Getting into these habits will help you to increase your overall health and wellness!

Looking for ways to improve your overall health? Well, we’ve got 5 healthy habits that are sure to boost your mental and physical wellbeing.
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The first habit is to create a morning routine. This routine should ease you into the day and focus on self-care. An example of this would be turning off your alarm, brushing your teeth, making your bed, getting dressed, and making breakfast. It sounds simple, but it’s very easy to skip out on some of these items when you’re not feeling motivated. If you aren’t sure of what to make for breakfast, check out our youtube video series, kale yes, to find some easy to make recipes.

The second habit is to plan for meals and snacks ahead of time. This is especially important if you have a busy day ahead of you and won’t have time to make a normal lunch. When you plan ahead, you are more likely to choose food options that will keep you feeling fuller, more energized, and make less of an impact on your wallet. We also recommend watching the meal planning video from our Adulting Series for more information on this habit.

The third habit is to engage in a positive mental attitude. Your mental wellbeing is incredibly important. When you have a positive outlook, you can feel more relaxed and be better prepared to make decisions and deal with the unexpected occurrences of life. Many people misinterpret this to mean that they have to be happy 24/7, however, that isn’t the case. Being positive means that you are able to react to life in a way that benefits you and others.

The fourth habit is to be physically active for at least 20, if not 30 minutes each day. This doesn’t mean that you have to go to the gym every day though. Activities as simple as riding a bike or going on walks are perfect ways to be active and energize your mental wellbeing. Increasing your heart rate from it’s normal resting rate will increase endorphins in your body that make you feel good! If you are looking for a more substantial workout or workout routine, check out our Workout Wednesday series- we post a new workout for you every Wednesday during the school year.

The fifth habit is to create a night time routine. The key with both morning and night routines is consistency. Choose something that you will do every night. This allows your body to recognize the routine and begin preparing for a more restful sleep. We recommend getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night. We all know it can be difficult to fall asleep on some nights. Some tips to remedy this are to get in bed at a consistent time every night and avoid blue light right before sleep as this interferes with natural melatonin production. An example of a night routine is taking a shower, brushing your teeth, changing into pajamas, setting your alarm, laying out tomorrow’s outfit, and setting your phone away from your bed.

Well, that’s it! I hope you’ve picked up some healthy habits that you can start incorporating in your life. Remember to check out our other videos for more information on those specific topics. Bye!

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5 Healthy Habits to Boost Your Physical and Mental Wellbeing || UIUC MHC

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