
How to Calm My Cat in Heat! This is the Best Music to Help Relax Your Cat During Heat! Soothing!

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How to Calm My Cat in Heat! This is the Best Music to Help Relax Your Cat During Heat! Soothing! - NEW 2018 - 1 Hour of relaxing Music to help calm your cat in heat! Cat in heat can be stressful this music will them down! The perfect Playlist for your cats during heat! Natural Calming Remedy for your Female Cats! Chill out your cat in heat!

Free Music and TV : https://www.relaxmycat.com

Relax My Cat are experts in creating relaxing music to help calm your cat and help them sleep. Our music is composed in-house by our team of producers, and uses binaural technology designed to relax and calm your cat. If your cat has sleeping problems or anxiety problems or is even stressed during construction, fireworks or other loud noises, you should try our music.

♫♫♫ Relax My Cat Music on iTunes:

Relax My Cat's music will help to calm and soothe your cat or kitten in a variety of situations. Minimise separation anxiety, reduce hyperactivity, minimise fear of thunderstorms or fireworks, stop unwanted whining, comfort sick or injured cats and calm your cat on car journeys - Relax My Cat does it all!

Our music is based on feline vocal communication and environmental sounds that pique the interest of cats; it is written in a musical language that is uniquely designed to appeal to the domestic cat. All of the music is recorded on traditional instruments and the human voice. No actual cat, mouse, or bird calls are used (although it may sound like it).

Relax My Cat’s music is unique, and will help in a variety of situations as a substitute for medication. We have helped thousands of cats and kittens worldwide to sleep and reduce their anxiety. Music therapy for your cat can keep them calm, happy and healthy, and it is a great way to rehabilitate rescue cats - or just get your kitten or cat used to their new home.

Being re-homed is an incredibly stressful time for cats - as they have to get used to a lot of different sights and sounds, as well as their new family and any other pets in the household. We recommend that you play Relax My Cat during this time, and it will help reduce their heart rate and relax them while they explore their new surroundings. No more whining kittens - they will get used to your home in no time at all with the help of Relax My Cat's music!

You may be litter training, which can be a stressful time for both dog and parent, and our music will soothe your kitten making your life easier. When listening to Relax My Cat you will notice your kitten start to relax, and get more used to their tray, or similarly if you are training them to get used to their travel box.

It is also very useful to calm your cat during car journeys - which many kittens find a stressful time. They may associate it with vets visits - so we recommend playing Relax My Cat's music before and after visits to the vet to reduce their stress.

The worst time of year for over 60% of cats is Firework season - the loud bangs are really scary for them and you may notice a huge change in your kitty during this time. Thunderstorms are another difficult time for cats, with the majority of cats being very scared of storms because of the unfamiliar loud noises. Relax My Cat is the perfect solution to this anxiety inducing situation - just play our music to reduce your cats anxiety and make them feel safe.

The most common problem we hear is separation anxiety in cats - being separated from you can cause severe anxiety in many cats. Relax My Cat’s music has improved thousands of cases of separation anxiety and noisy felines all over the world.

Our music will help cats of all breeds and ages to stay relaxed and keep calm. We are also on a number of social media platforms - so join our community and let's chat! We love to hear about and see pictures of your kitties!

► Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RelaxMyCat/
► Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+relaxmycat
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/relaxmycat
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/relaxmycat

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