
The Four Infinite Minds

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GrandmasterJinBodhi’s "An In-Depth Exploration of Meditation" Series (Part 3): The Four Infinite Minds

The expansiveness of one’s mental state determines the state and quality of one’s life. How to achieve a higher state of life? Many people are searching for the answer to this question. In this teaching, Grandmaster JinBodhi reveals a very important four-word secret in meditation practice. If a profound meditation state can be maintained, he tells us, we can come to a state in which everything is achievable.

We hope that all who watch this video can deeply understand the four-word secret and obtain supreme dharma treasures of meditation practice.

#JinBodhi #GrandmasterJinBodhi #MeditationTeachings #Meditation #Buddhism #SelfCultivation #AwakeningEnlightenment #FourInfiniteMinds #FourImmeasurables #Brahmavihara

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