
CrossFit Open 14.5 WOD Tips and Strategy by Barbell Shrugged - TechniqueWOD

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Froning vs. Fraser—CrossFit Open Workout 15.1 Live Announcement

How To Dominate FRAN: Complete Breakdown & Programming Analysis of CrossFit WOD Fran - EPISODE 79

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Power Clean & Jerk Complex | Dual Dumbbell Bench Press + Burpees + Double Unders

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4 Rounds | 10 DB Clean - 5 Burpees - 30 Double Unders | CrossFit Workout with Timer

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14 sets of 5 unbroken chest to bar pullups

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"Isa-ball" | 3 Position Power Snatch | Power Snatch & Wall Ball WOD

CrossFit Kettle Bell Snatch - Northstate CrossFit

3 rounds of 5 Power Clean @ 102,5 kg + 10 Chest to bar pull ups @ Crossfit Sydkusten

Sinus Cleanse, Squat Cleans, Squat Snatches, Saturday Partner WOD

7 min amrap 21-15-9 handstand push-up/chest to bar pull-ups 1 full round + 77 = 167

Set 3 - 8 deads (245), 8 bar hop burpees, :25 AB sprint

Sumo Deadlift High Pull + Push Press! | WildFire CrossFit Workout

Bar MU

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