
When Your Ex Won't Commit But Won't Let Go

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In this video Clay Andrews is going to talk about what to do when your ex won't commit but won't let go after the breakup.

Be sure to check out this playlist on the 5 stages of getting back together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tFxxSsmM_k&list=PLBHfQVp_OsaVj4oom5Cr0Kp2Bp8JphE5w

And this playlist on No Contact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqYLyfAUdMo&list=PLBHfQVp_OsaXRtnge0JUm1tfbJ5wpa_KQ


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If your ex won't commit again to you but won't let go, then it shows that there is a certain emotional dynamic at play in your relationship that needs to be addressed.

On one hand, your ex won't commit again because they still have a lingering negative emotional memory of you and your time together.

On the other hand your ex won't let go because there is a lingering positive experience between the two of you.

So, the important task is then to starve out the negative lingering experience they have of you and to nurture the positive experience that they have of you.

If you're able to do this then you can get them to actually want to commit to you because all the roadblocks will have been taken away and the positive aspect of your time together will be accentuated.

***** IMPORTANT *****

This is an internet video, and it should be obvious, but this video and other videos on this channel should not be taken as a substitute for the evaluation of a psychologist, therapist, counselor, etc. This video and other videos on this channel are intended for informational uses only, and only reflect the personal opinions of the creator. The creator of this video is not responsible for your actions or choices or the consequences of your actions or choices.

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