
Coronavirus European Update

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UK, Preston


Driver, household and community

Avoid home visitors

Chief executive Adrian Phillips

We are not waiting for some Government announcement

We know our rates are increasing and they have increased over the last week to a level now where we are concerned that we could face Government intervention

We've been working with our communities to make sure we get those key messages out

Advised to wear face coverings at all times

Get tested even with mild symptoms.

A statement on the authority's website said evidence from Public Health England

Showed a spike of coronavirus cases in Preston, with the majority of the spread

Through households and community


Population, 5, 500, 000


Cases, + 54 in recent days

Pubs and restaurants closed

Visitors ordered to stay away

No household visits


Cases, + 1,772 = 305,767

Deaths, + 1 = 28,499



Cases, + 1,695 = 194,029

Hospitalised, = 14 = 5,148

ITU patients, -4 = 384

Deaths, + 9 = 30,305


Cases, over 900 per day for 4 weeks

Cases, + 1,178 = 236,112

Deaths, 5,784

March, cases, + 5,000

Health minister, Fahrettin Koca

We’re concerned about the increase in the number of cases, previously limited to some provinces, spreading in the coming days throughout the country

Ankara Medical Chamber

Pandemic hospitals and their intensive care units in Ankara were 100% full

Unable to take in new Covid-19 patients

Ankara provincial health directorate

Intensive care units were 63% full

Pandemic remained under control


Diyarbakir, Mardin, Sanliurfa


Population, 6, 100, 075

Cases, 5, 417

Deaths, 68

Genetics and covid deaths

Coronavirus, Long term immunity more likely

Corona virus; Is it helping earth?

First Omicron science

Disease X

Wuhan virus compared to MERS and SARS


Spike protein in many organs

The second pandemic

Pandemic optimism

Friday 1st May Comorbidities and symptoms report

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - in 2 mins!

Knowns and unknowns about coronavirus

Human fertility threat

COVID-19 Immunity and social distancing

Monkeypox, US public health emergency

Natural cross immunity confirmed

Daughter of omicron sound corrected

Vitamin D and pandemic science

Mass natural immunity

Symptoms and Sequelae

Infection, Immunity and epidemiology

Monkeypox, some global spread

COVID 19 and Obesity

Basic but essential knowledge

Tuesday 12th May, UK, US and Global prospectives

Science indicates less severe omicron disease

The Human experience and record keeping

Fevers, good or bad

mRNA future

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