
You won't believe the jaw-dropping skills Ono Shohei showcased on the Madrid stage!

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"What did they actually learn from the artistry of Ono Shohei on the Madrid stage?"
Check Out : https://www.instagram.com/stagejudomadrid/

Judo Royal - 柔道 is a channel that specializes in providing high-quality content related to the world of Judo. From beginners to experts, the channel caters to everyone who is passionate about this ancient Japanese sport. The channel covers various aspects of Judo, including techniques, rules, and history. Its focus is on providing valuable insights into the sport, sharing tips on how to improve skills, and highlighting top-rated matches and tournaments. Judo Royal is the ultimate destination for Judo enthusiasts who are looking to increase their knowledge and appreciation of this fascinating combat sport. With engaging and informative content, the channel delivers exciting and educational experiences that will leave viewers eager to learn more.

#judo #柔道 #유도 #дзюдо #Motivation #Highlights #Sport

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You won't believe the jaw-dropping skills Ono Shohei showcased on the Madrid stage!




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