
What is UX Writing ? Learn how to involve a UXW in the design & dev process with Greta van der Merwe

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The words we use in the experiences we build are often an afterthought once design and development is already underway. We say things like “Ignore it, it’s just placeholder copy” or we send our polished designs off to a “word person” for a “copy check”. But when considered throughout the design and development process, words can do so much more than just spruce up your empty states.

Join us to learn more about this thing called UX Writing – what it is, when to consider “the words”, and how these words can unlock your product’s potential (even without a writer).

About the Speaker

Greta has always been just a little obsessed with words. She spent 8 years in advertising as a copywriter, before running away (pretty fast) to pursue a writing career in tech, a novelty at the time. She was the first UX writer at Careem where she spent 3 years building the product voice, and the team responsible for it. Currently, she’s a Senior UX writer at Talabat, and attempting to do the same thing all over again, but better. She is also a mentor for students of the UX Writing Academy, and recently joined the instructor bench at AstroLabs. She’ll probably point out your typos and show you a photo of her cat whether you want to see it or not.

What is UX Writing ? Learn how to involve a UXW in the design & dev process with Greta van der Merwe

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