
吸足汤汁的豆腐,温玉软弹的白菜真是太好吃了❗食材简单的白菜豆腐煲 | Best Tofu Stew recipe

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Create unforgettable flavors with the simplest of ingredients.

14 oz (396g) Tofu, Medium Firm 豆腐
2 Eggs 鸡蛋
500g Napa cabbage 白菜
3 tbsp Soy sauce 酱油
1/2 tbsp Dark soy sauce 老抽
1/2 tbsp Chinkiang vinegar 香醋
1 tbsp Oyster sauce 蚝油
4 Dried chillies 干辣椒
Ginger 姜
Green onion 葱
Garlic 蒜
Red papper 红椒

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一碗拿手面 Signature Noodles: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDzVedc9C95cCLCLSnSMb_2TmJKUlH81n

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Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?collection=004&page=1
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

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