
Keynote: Practices for Scaling Lean and Agile Development by Craig Larman

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The talk explores scaling lean and agile development with Large-Scale-Scrum frameworks 1 and 2. I share some insights for large product groups (for example, 500-1500 person, multisite) while working with customers (Xerox, Alcatel-Lucent, ...), as well as lessons from my co-author Bas Vodde, who has in-depth experience with big product groups and enterprise transformations (at Nokia Networks and NSN). I present concrete practices and tips related to adoption, structure, policy, requirements, contracts, architecture and design, offshore (including at Valtech, India) and multisite development, coordination, and planning multi-hundred-person product groups, and more.

Speaker: Craig Larman
Management and Organizational-design Consultant, Craig Larman
Conference: Agile India 2013 Conference

Conference: http://2013.agileindia.org

Slide and Other details: http://betterconf.confengine.com/agileindia2013/#session-2-info

Keynote: Practices for Scaling Lean and Agile Development by Craig Larman

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