
Why do men..??? 3 Questions About Men Answered!

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Ever wonder why guys ________? Then this video is for you!

In other words, any woman interested in dating men should watch this ;)

So we'll tackle some of the burning questions on women's minds concerning male behavior.

I could go hours and hours on this topic alone, but let's stick to brass tacks for now.

Ok, so the first question I get is, "Why do guys check out other girls???"

As annoying as this is for some of you, staring at women isn't at all a surefire sign he's going to be unfaithful. I don't want you to have a panic attack just because some girl with a cute tank top and skimpy shorts walks by.

Sure, guys look at girls who make an effort to look nice. And YES, some (and I emphasize that word) guys do cheat on their partners.

Now, that's NOT a reason for you to put two and two together and make a hasty conclusion based on those two facts. Just because some men are unfaithful doesn't automatically mean looking is equivalent to cheating.

And he's not doing it to piss you off or make you feel like crap.

The basic truth is that men are visual beings. These instincts served him well in history when he had to:

- Scan for threats (i.e. predators, rival tribes)
- Scope out prey (for food, fur, etc.)
- Or find an attractive and healthy partner

So you can see how that last one figures into a guy's tendency to look at women. Your physical characteristics are indicators of whether you'd be an ideal mate AND mother to our offspring.

As dispassionate as that seems, that's how our species have survived throughout the centuries. I'd even say women also look at guys on this basic, primal level.

There's that part of your brain asking you, "Will this guy make a good dad and produce good kids?"

Aside from that, a guy looking at a woman ALSO has a bit of internal conflict. He's debating whether he'll keep staring at you like a deer caught in the radiance of your looks - or go out on a limb and talk to you.

Yes, ladies - the act of walking up and talking to you can be an incredibly nerve-wracking affair for us!

Now, I've got a couple more frequently asked questions about "Why men _____?", so go ahead and watch the video to get the full scoop.

Trust me, you'll want to know this stuff before dating a guy. Knowledge is power, as they say - and you'll need all the leverage you can get to break down his walls and connect to his heart!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlosdatingguru

Why do men...? https://youtu.be/mvpFlF909eQ
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