
(outdated)Run a Node - RED instance on a free Kubernetes Cluster on IBM Cloud (detailed version)2021

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This live stream is for a beginner level, but with a lot of details.

I show a detailed setup on a Node - RED instance on a free Kubernetes Cluster on IBM Cloud in that live stream. I draw a "draw.io" diagram with a lot of details, how the following resource are related:

- Node - RED instance (https://nodered.org)
- Free Kubernetes Cluster (https://cloud.ibm.com/kubernetes/catalog/create)
- GitHub (https://github.com/IBM/node-red-app)
- IBM Cloud GitLab (https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/ContinuousDelivery?topic=ContinuousDelivery-gitlab)
- IBM Cloud (https://cloud.ibm.com)
- IBM Cloud Container Registry (https://cloud.ibm.com/registry/catalog)
- IBM Cloud Toolchain (https://cloud.ibm.com/devops/create)
- IBM Cloud Continuous delivery (https://cloud.ibm.com/catalog/services/continuous-delivery)
- IBM Cloud Key Protect (https://www.ibm.com/cloud/key-protect)

Main sections of this live stream:

01:00 - Introduction
04:49 - Motivation
10:00 - Create a Node-RED app
15:14 - Create a basic dependencies diagram
18:46 - Expand dependencies diagram with a Cloudant Service
34:00 - Expand dependencies diagram with the Kubernetes cluster, the Container registry, and the Toolchain
47:00 - Expand dependencies diagram with GitLab
59:00 - Access the Node RED instance from the local browser
01:03 - Create simplified dependencies diagram only will the basic application dependencies

Additional resources:

- DEPLOY WORDPRESS ON A FREE IBM CLOUD KUBERNETES CLUSTER FOR NON-PRODUCTIVE USAGE (https://suedbroecker.net/2020/01/20/deploy-wordpress-on-a-free-ibm-cloud-kubernetes-cluster-for-non-productive-usage/)
- Free Kubernetes cluster features (https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_ov#cluster_types)

My music:
- TNM - Drummer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB_iNnv8XarWdteKWa3yTjQ

#ibmcloud #kubernetes #nodered #toolchain #container


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(outdated)Run a Node - RED instance on a free Kubernetes Cluster on IBM Cloud (detailed version)2021

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