
Fierce Healing for Difficult Times: Vajrapani Hayagriva King Garuda, Venerable Zasep Rinpoche

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Venerable Zasep Rinpoche leads a short healing teaching and mantra with visualization on Vajrapani Hayagriva King Garuda. Rinpoche teaches the mantra and describes how to visualize the healing, both for people with initiation and without. (See time indexes below if you'd like to jump ahead to the visualizations and mantras.)

00:00 Introduction Fierce Healing for Difficult Times
01:10 Narrators Introduction: Ferocious Healing with the Three Fierce Ones visualized both for those with initiation and without.
02:03 Healing Practices of Vajrapani Hayagriva King Garuda taught by Ven. Zasep Rinpoche
03:08 General Teaching on Vajrapani Hayagriva and King Garuda — Who are they; how do they appear?
08:36 Dun and the types of illnesses and Karma
12:13 Visualization instructions for those who do NOT have initiation
14:13 Visualization instructions for those who DO have initiation

HEALTH NOTE: Health visualizations and mantras are NOT a replacement for good health care, advice of your medical professional and vaccines. Venerable Zasep Rinpoche always guides and teaches common sense with a "see your doctor first" message. Healing visualizations and mantras are supplemental.
PRACTICE NOTE: Rinpoche advises that this practice can be visualized and the mantra chanted by both initiated and uninitiated. He describes the visualization for both (see time codes below.) You visualize the Three Fierce Ones in FRONT of you if you do not have initiation.
ART CREDIT: Art by Laura Santi Sacred Art (see her link below.)

Healing Practice of Vajrapani Hayagriva and King Garuda
Practice of the Three Wrathful Deities

For difficult diseases and difficult times — and viruses such as Covid-19 — many Tibetan Buddhist teachers recommend the ferocious and powerful healing practices of the Three Fierce Ones. Collectively visualized as Vajrapani Hayagriva King Garuda, this practice is reputed to be effective against even the most terrible diseases and health conditions.

Famous Healing Practice

The profound practice of Vajrapani Hayagriva King Garuda, a famous healing practice. The wrathful combination of Vajrapani, (representing the Power of the Buddhas), Hayagriva (representing the Compassion of all the Buddhas in this wrathful form of Chenrezig) and King Garuda (representing the wisdom of all the Buddhas) is well known for removing illnesses and harmful spirits.


00:00 Healing Practice of Vajrapani Hayagriva and King Garuda
01:05 Narrator's introduction to the healing practice of the Three Wrathful Ones
02:04 Venerable Rinpoche teaching begins introducing the subject of the meditation — the Three Wrathful Healers Vajrapani, Hayagriva and King Garuda — and their benefits.
03:43 Rinpoche describes the Three Fierce Ones in detail with graphics on screen.
06:14 Rinpoche describes Hayagriva Green Horse Head
06:43 Rinpoche describes King Garuda
07:15 Rinpoche explains the 360 types of Dunn, causes of mental and physical illness
12:10 VISUALIZATION without Initiation followed by mantra: Rinpoche explains and video demonstrates the visualization with graphics.
13:09 Rinpoche demonstrates the mantra and how to visualize it.
14:13 Rinpoche explains how to visualize if you DO have initiation.
14:39 Animated visualization of the mantra at the heart of the deity with the three colours of healing light emitting and going out to heal all sentient beings (and you!): Blue light of Vajrapani, Green light of Hayagriva, and White light of King Garuda.
16:40 Concluding remarks and dedication.

For a more detailed written feature on Vajrapani Hayagriva King Garuda, the Three Fierce Ones, see the information icon in the top right of this video with a link to Buddha Weekly's main site.

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Art by Laura Santi Sacred Art, used with her kind permission. It is RECOMMENDED TO HAVE A NICE PRINT OF THE THREE FEIRCE ONES Vajrapani Hayagriva King Garuda in front of you. Laura has reasonably priced prints of her wonderful art on her Etsy store (along with many other Buddhist deities.)

Etsy Shop: Etsy.com/shop/LauraSantiSacredArt

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