
What is Heroin/Opiate addiction and withdrawal like? -A discussion about life with Opioid dependency

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Where Does Heroin Come From?

When it is sold illegally, heroin comes in powder or a tar form, and can vary in color from pure-white, to off-white, to dark brown or black. It is derived from the naturally occurring opiate “opium,” which comes from the bulbs of the poppy plant, and if converted from opium to morphine before finally being synthesized into diamorphine – or “heroin.”
Heroin addiction, is a physical and chemical dependence to opioids, and it can develop quickly if you are using heroin or even prescription opioid drugs outside of recommended use, or through long-term use. Once a heroin addiction/opioid dependence is present, proper tapering off the drugs is medically necessary in order to lessen the health risks from heroin withdrawal symptoms.

What Are Heroin Withdrawals Like?
When a person who is chemically dependent on heroin stops taking it or other opioid drugs, withdrawal symptoms will begin within hours of the drug leaving the body. Withdrawal symptoms can also occur if a person addicted to heroin/opioids simply cuts down the amount they use.

How Long Do Heroin Withdrawals Last?
There are typically two major phases of heroin withdrawal: acute withdrawal, and post-acute withdrawal. What we think of as classic withdrawal usually takes place in the acute withdrawal phase. Acute withdrawal phase usually lasts about 7 days, but post-acute withdrawal symptoms can linger for years – thought they decrease with every day you stay sober in recovery.

Acute Heroin Withdrawal Phase:
Symptoms of acute heroin withdrawal begin within 6 hours of the last dose taken – after the “comedown.” Depending on the severity of the addiction and whether or not other opioids are present in your body, it could take up to 24 hours to see the initial acute heroin withdrawal symptoms.

Acute heroin withdrawal symptoms peak in about 1-3 days (between 24 -72 hours after the last dose) when the symptoms are at their very worst. Symptoms begin to subside slowly after peak heroin withdrawals, and person will begin to feel exponentially better the longer they go without using heroin and opioids again.

Post-Acute Heroin Withdrawal Phase:
With heroin and other drugs that effect the GABA receptors of the brain, Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) is always a concern. With this condition, the brain is trying to rebalance itself chemically, in response to the absence of the drugs. It will take time to rebalance the body and brain, and in the meantime the individual feels those changes in the form of PAWS symptoms.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms:

Inability to Think Clearly
Cognitive Impairment
Inability to Feel Pleasure (Anhedonia)
Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances

Mood Swings
Extreme Sensitivity to Stress

Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms
The severity of heroin withdrawal symptoms will vary depending on many factors, including how long the individual has been dependent on heroin, the amount they have been using, and whether or not they have been exposed to severe withdrawal symptoms before.

Heroin Cravings
Muscle Aches and Pains
Nausea & Vomiting
Diarrhea & Abdominal Cramping
Anxiety & Restlessness
Lacrimation & Runny Nose

The horrible truth is that a heroin addict can feel there is no escape because the withdrawals are too debilitating, too horrific to withstand. The “solution” of continuing to use the drug to stave off the withdrawals, becomes an ever-present burden. There is nothing lovely about heroin addiction, evermore so in its last stages. There are ways to accomplish heroin cessation without punishing yourself with these horrific withdrawal effects. Our Sedona heroin rehab program can help.

There is much more to ending heroin addiction than just ceasing to use the drug. The damage that the drug creates in the body, mind, and soul can linger long after and needs to be walked back with real healing, and corrective actions. These are the components of our heroin rehab program. Opiate users can opt for a short one or two-week conversion to a less potent medication, and taper gently off that to make a starting point possible for the remainder of the program. The cold turkey approach has been discussed at length here and elsewhere and is not the only choice. We believe a more compassionate approach makes a valid option.

Heroin Cessation
Our facility resides within walking distance to the majestic Red Rock Mountains, where fresh air, blue skies, and sunshine are abundant virtually all year round in Sedona. Our staff of over forty highly skilled doctors, caregivers and therapists understand the pain of addiction and were hand-picked for their compassion and dedication to helping others overcome the liability of addiction to heroin and other drugs.

We are not a methadone maintenance styled program, nor are we based on the 12-steps of AA recovery. We offer new choices and methods that were likely missing from any earlier attempts of recovery.

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