
Mind Map Hero Episode 17: The Personal MBA saving you 2 Years and $150K

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The Personal MBA - Save 2 years and $150K
“Skip business school. Educate yourself.” Effectively Josh Kauffman is telling us in his seminal book The Personal MBA that he can help you save time and save you money. My goal is the same – how can we learn faster so we can save time and earn more money?

It took me 7 years to qualify as an accountant! I’ll repeat that - 7 YEARS!!!

I should have been finished in half that time. Think about all the money I spent repeating exams and also lost earnings. I can only imagine it is THOUSANDS!

No Regrets

However, I don’t have any regrets. There is no point. It brought me to where I am today. That is why I have passion for Mind Mapping and study skills. I love accelerated learning. That’s why I am so passionate about helping my students. I share my story because I want to help you SAVE TIME!!

I am glad I studied. I am glad I invested in my education and achieved my qualifications. When I was studying my goal was simple: to create a strong foundation. I decided to become an accountant after college because I wanted a strong business background.

There is a strong argument today against the merits of formal education. Students are leaving college with massive debts. Student loans are big business. The cost of MBA programmes is staggering.

Wasting 2 years and $150,000

Josh tells the story of how he read a post by uber blogger Seth Godin commenting on the worthlessness of a Harvard MBA. His advice is that instead of wasting two years of your time and $150,000 on an MBA you would be better off using the time and money on doing something ‘doing something useful’ and reading 30 or 40 business books instead.

I certainly agree that time is of the essence and there can be far more productive ways of using your time. That is the key message behind Mind Map Hero – to learn faster, save time and earn more.

Josh describes himself as a business, skills and learning expert. His skills are being able to filter lots of business concepts and condense them into an approachable volume you can read in a few hours. He certainly achieved that.

Here are the best bits:
1. Skip business school. Educate yourself
2. The quickest and easiest way to screw up your life is to take on too much debt.
3. Make something people want that is remarkable, get it noticed and get someone to buy it.
4. People don’t like to be sold, but they love to buy.
5. Frame the situation that encourages a prospect to feel that they are chasing you.
6. The best way to increase your power is to do things that increase your influence and reputation.

Mind Map Hero says

Education is expensive. Education is valuable. Everyday you should educate yourself. Spend 10 minutes reading a book. Watch a Ted Talk. Research a topic. Learn a new word. You don’t have to go to business school to get a world class education. You can get this in the library for free. Start to read. Learn to learn. You won’t regret it.

go to http://www.mindmaphero.com
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