
Outcomes of Refugee Compacts in Jordan – Imad Fakhoury and Cindy Huang | CGD Podcast

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As we mark World Refugee Day, it is increasingly clear that there is a desperate need to fill the gap between short-term humanitarian response and long-term development need. Jordan’s Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Imad Fakhoury and CGD senior policy fellow Cindy Huang joined the CGD podcast to discuss an innovative solution: refugee compacts. Listen to the full podcast at https://www.cgdev.org/blog/jordans-compact-approach-syrian-refugee-influx-what-world-can-learn-podcast-fakhoury-huang

Outcomes of Refugee Compacts in Jordan – Imad Fakhoury and Cindy Huang | CGD Podcast

A "Win-Win" Approach to the Refugee Crisis – Imad Fakhoury | CGD Podcast

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Look at How Refugees Fit into Development Trajectory – Imad Fakhoury

Let Refugees Work

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Help Refugees Through Greater Data and Transparency – Imad Fakhoury and David Miliband

To Help Refugees, Focus on Micro-Level Barriers – David Miliband

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Webinar: Implementing the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

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Day 1 - Reducing risks and vulnerabilities for migrants - #IDM2022

Former White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on the Refugee Crisis

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