
iOS 7 First Impressions on iPhone 5 and iPad Mini

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After a few weeks of using the iOS 7 beta (beta 6 to be exact), here are my first impressions.

The good:
New look to the lockscreen
Ability to access notification center from the lock screen (finally Apple!)
The new control center (and the ability to access that from the lock screen and any apps too)
New, flat look for home screen icons (as well as within the apps themselves)
New look to the keyboard (changes based on the app too (ie, when on the lock screen, it's black, but within Messages and other apps, it's white and silver)
Automatic app updates (again, finally Apple!)
New look and feel to Siri (forgot to show in this video (sorry!); I will do this in my official review once the final version gets out)
New transitions for entering and exiting apps (pretty smooth for a beta too)
New look and feel for multitasking (forgot to show that too in this video; will be done in my official review)
Super fast camera (it doesn't even take a second to take a photo or video!)

The bad:
Not all apps are fully optimized for iOS 7 yet (it's still in beta, so there's still some time until the final version for devs to get their optimizations done)

Since I forgot to do this in the video, here's how you turn on automatic app updates:
1. Go to settings
2. Go to the iTunes and App Stores option
3. Scroll all the way down to "Automatic Downloads", and turn on updates. (Note: since iOS 7 is still in beta, this feature may not work properly all the time. What I do to make sure my apps are being updated is by going to the app store, and going to updates. I still have to update some apps manually for the time being, but Apple will likely fix this bug before they get iOS 7 out to the general public).

iOS 7 First Impressions on iPhone 5 and iPad Mini

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