
The Israel Gap Year & The Nazir w/ my Daughter Avigayil

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My daughter Avigayil graduated High School last night and will spend her next year studying in Israel. Despite the surreal experience of wondering where all the time has gone, it got me thinking about the connection between her Israel gap year and this week's Torah portion which details the life of the Nazir. And I even got Avigayil to join me in the video. Enjoy and Shabbat Shalom!

Friday night: Musical FNL at 7pm with Chazzan Ilan, Rabbi Kevin & Allison Wolf, and our brand new Summer Rabbinic Intern, Binny Fiederer at which Rabbi Kevin will speak on: “Valuing Our Relationships."
Followed by Sushi/Wine.

Saturday: 9:30am with Rabbi Kevin speaking on "Bundling Your Torah Content." Cafe Connect at 1030 with Ellie Selevan, followed by Kiddush!

6:30: Shabbat Spirit on the Central Park Lawn with Rabbinic Intern Binny Fiederer, Followed by Minchah and 3rd meal at Jewish Center.

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