
Rescue efforts continue as Afghanistan earthquake death toll approaches 3,000

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아프가니스탄 강진 사상자 4500명 넘어 "구조에 지원 절실"

Rescue workers have been ramping up search efforts to pull bodies and survivors from the rubble following Saturday's powerful earthquake in Afghanistan.
Our Ahn Sung-jin looks in detail.

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit western Afghanistan with an epicenter in a rural area some 40 kilometers from the city of Herat on Saturday.
The latest reports have put the death toll at almost 3 thousand with thousands more injured.

" I lost four members of my family, every house has several dead. I don’t want to live anymore, I have lost my soul, I don’t know what to do, or what to say "

Tens of thousands of people have been displaced as houses in villages and districts of Herat Province were turned into rubble.
Residents remained on alert until Monday when periodic aftershocks continued to shake the area.
The head of the World Health Organization emergency response said that women and children make up two-thirds of those admitted to hospital.

"The quake happened in the morning where men were out of the houses, so the majority of those who are injured and died are women and children adding more pressure on women, adding more pressure of the children who are the most vulnerable groups inside Afghanistan.

A UN Humanitarian Coordinator on Saturday approved a 5 million U.S. dollar emergency reserve allocation from the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund.
"We, along with our humanitarian partners, are now ramping up the response We have deployed assessment teams, and we are providing emergency shelter supplies, blankets, warm clothes, food "

Local officials say the death toll is likely to rise as search and rescue efforts continue.
Afghanistan is frequently hit by earthquakes as seen in June last year when the eastern part of the country was hit by a 5.9 magnitude quake which resulted in over a thousand deaths.

Ahn Sung-jin, Arirang News.

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2023-10-10, 12:00 (KST)
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